Headache Relief

Headaches happen often. Although most headaches are only passing annoyances, some headaches could be indicative of an undiagnosed, more concerning, underlying condition. At Nyack Wellness in Rockland County, NY, Dr. Catherine Hall and Dr. Bruce Handelsman offer chiropractic and complementary treatment options to help better manage headaches that have become major life disruptions.

Headaches typically manifest uniquely in each individual – some people experience similar symptoms while others may not. The primary types of headaches include the following -

  • Primary Headaches – are categorized as follows -
    • Tension Headaches, which account for nearly  ¾ of all headaches, rank among the most common. The pain is felt as a dull ache/discomfort behind the eyes.
    • Migraine Headaches refer to head pain that can last for hours and even days. This type of headache emanates from a neurological issue. Those who suffer from migraines may experience various symptoms, including –
      • Debilitating pain
      • Nausea, which can be aggravated by sound, light, etc.
    • Cluster Headaches refer to a headache with intense pain on only one side. These happen most often to those between the ages of 20 and 40.
    • New Daily Persistent Headaches – a rare disorder that can happen to anyone with no history of headaches. It starts abruptly and usually is a daily occurrence for at least three months.
  • Secondary Headaches –refer to headaches that occur as a symptom of different conditions. Secondary headaches can happen, for example, from a sinus issue or dehydration.

Common Headache Triggers

Subluxation or structural misalignments in the neck or upper back frequently cause tension headaches. Fortunately, research has demonstrated chiropractic adjustment adjustments can effectively alleviate the symptoms associated with tension headaches.

Other headache triggers include the following factors -

  • Toxin exposure. For example, nitrates, MSG (refers to a type of food enhancer), and nicotine, to name a few.
  • Emotional factors that include anxiety/depression.
  • Lifestyle influences –
    • Foods (i.e., chocolate or fermented foods, cheese) may contain excessive amino acid levels that trigger headaches.
    • Poor sleep patterns.
    • Posture Issues.
    • Too much exercise, etc.

Chiropractic Techniques that Offer Relief

  • Chiropractic Adjustments.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Soft Tissue Therapies.
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound.
  • Electrical Stimulation.
  • Postural Education.
  • Lifestyle Guidance and more.

Do you live in and around Nyack, NY, and experience headaches that impact your daily routine?  Contact Dr. Hall, Dr. Handelsman, or a staff member of Nyack Wellness at 845-353-2862 or online. We look forward to tailoring a plan that lets you return to your daily routine.

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